Mit diesem Beitrag stellen Ihnen ein Studierendenprojekt von 2020 vor:

  • Lukas Tadeu & Anjit Maliyekal
  • Open Data Ecosystem: Digitalization Trends in Selected Swiss Industries
  • Bachelor Thesis 2020
  • FHNW Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Olten
  • Fachdozent: Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter
  • Auftraggeberschaft: Smart Regio Basel, Christian Hansen und Elias H. Schaefer


Major international companies with purely digital business models, such as the often discussed companies like Amazon or Google, are not the only ones to be considered. The highly innovative Swiss business environment is also subject to digital transformation, regardless of the form of their actual core business. Trends in the retail, hotel/gastronomy, construction (building construction and civil engineering) and extension/craftsmanship industry are to be identified, analysed and described, and in a general overview to be consolidated in an industry comparison.

Based on the findings of the research, the authors conclude that the main digital trends in the retail and hotel/gastronomy industries are customer-driven and thus pursue the customer/user experience paradigm, whereas the construction industry is infrastructure-driven and consequently perceives the trends of technology, the cloud and big data  as more relevant for their businesses. In addition, the larger companies generally showcased a substantial readiness for the adoption of digital transformations.

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Mit diesem Beitrag stellen Ihnen ein Studierendenprojekt von 2020 vor:

  • Justin Harvey & Joël Bertschi
  • Open Data Ecosystem: A Framework for Smart City Initiatives with a Focus on the Private Sector
  • Bachelor Thesis 2020
  • FHNW Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Olten
  • Fachdozent: Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter
  • Auftraggeberschaft: Smart Regio Basel, Christian Hansen und Elias H. Schaefer


Aware of growing urban challenges and the unexploited potential of business data to serve as an infrastructure for smart city projects, the association Smart Regio Basel intends to support the incorporation of private organisations in Basel’s open data platform. Current evidence underlines the predominant role of governments in open data platforms, while only few literature is available on the inclusion of businesses in such initiatives. Thus, the aim of this thesis is to provide a framework that may be used to establish projects dealing with the integration of the private sector in an open data ecosystem for smart city applications. The objective was approached in three steps. Firstly, a literature review was carried out in order to establish the conceptual framework that demonstrates the relationship between open data and smart city. Next, by conducting semi-structured interviews with private organisations and experts, primary qualitative data were collected and evaluated to validate the conceptualisation and to determine incentives as well as barriers for the participation in an open data ecosystem. Finally, the combined findings were translated into a master synthesis. The results suggest an interplay of open data and smart city through an intermediary instrument. The model acknowledges the government, citizens, scientific institutions, and companies as the relevant actors for an open data ecosystem, which is exposed to opportunities and threats that are assigned to the technological, legal, social, and economic dimensions of influence. Essentially, for the private sector, the barriers outweigh the incentives for providing business data to an open data platform. Hence, the provision of use cases was identified as a mean to stimulate companies since the integration of the private sector is most likely to be achieved by reducing barriers and reinforcing incentives.

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Mit diesem Beitrag stellen Ihnen ein Studierendenprojekt von 2020 vor:

  • Arianna Huber & Dario Kaufmann
  • Storytelling in Marketing und Verkauf
  • Best-Practice-Beispiele für Schweizer KMU
  • Bachelor Thesis 2020
  • FHNW Hochschule für Wirtschaft, Olten
  • Fachdozent: Prof. Dr. Marc K. Peter
  • Auftraggeberschaft: Businessmind GmbH, Franziska Vonaesch


Ziel dieser Arbeit ist, an das Handbuch Storytelling für KMU (Vonaesch & Peter, 2019) anzuknüpfen und durch die Erarbeitung von Storytelling-Praxisbeispielen eine Grundlage für Schweizer KMU zu bilden. Dadurch erhalten KMU konkrete Ansatzpunkte, welche bei der Planung und Umsetzung von Storytelling helfen. Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf die Analyse von KMU aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum, die mir ihrer Implementation von Storytelling Erfolge erzielen konnten.

Insgesamt sind in dieser Arbeit 29 Praxisbeispiele für erfolgreiches Storytelling anhand der fünf Bereiche Markenbekanntheit, Corporate Website, Social-Media, E-Mail-Marketing und Verskaufprozess strukturiert beschrieben. Schlussendlich wurden mögliche Handlungsempfehlungen für KMU ausgearbeitet. Diese sind in Form einer Checkliste implementiert worden, um den Unternehmen anhand der untersuchten Praxisbeispiele eine Grundlage für Storytelling-Massnahmen zu bieten.

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